November 11, 2009

Welcome Back!!!

Hey everyone… welcome back to our now private blog. I thought it would be fun to do 10 random facts about me. So here it goes…

1 ~ I’m a clean freak (not as bad as my mom) but still I can’t go to bed with the house dirty. This has been hard since we had Paisyn all her toys have to be picked up whenever she goes down for a nap or bed. I wish I could break this but I panic if the house is dirty.

2~ I love to wake up with Miss Paisyn in the middle of the night. (don’t tell Kenny) As long as I get more then 2 hours of sleep or she doesn’t wake up more then once I love it. I love the time with her. She cuddles and it’s hard to get those these days, so I will take it!!!

3~ I think I’m OCD when it comes to washing my hands. I wasn’t this bad until we had Paisyn, but I wash them and put Germ-X on my hands so much that my hands are going to fall off. They are so dry…

4~ Oh the tattoo!!! Some may already know this, but I have an ugly tattoo on my foot. I want to have it removed, but Kenny tells me it is ok and it’s not that bad (I think to myself whenever he says that. Has he seen that hideous thing??) He doesn’t know this but I will have it removed before Paisyn is in school. (that’s my goal) I never want her to look at me and think that mom was some kind of partier. I will bring it up when the time is right.

5~ It’s true we are part of an MLM!!! I love it and I will give it 5 years before I will say it didn’t work. Click here for our site!!!

6~ I learn more in our Primary class then the kids do. They have all the answers and I’m surprised each week.

7~ I secretly sometimes (if that makes since) want to move back to AZ. I love to have our family close by, but it’s hard on Holidays. I hate telling the other family that we won’t be with them that year. Being in AZ we only had a few of us and we would just spend it together.

8~ I have always wanted to be someone way high up in a company. Like a CEO or something. That would be awesome!!!

9~ Big houses aren’t for me. No matter if we have money I don’t want a big house. A big house means you will be farther away from your kids. I want them close to me.

10~ I totally played with Barbie’s until I was in like 8th grade. I didn’t have them out at my house, but when I went to my cousins I would play with them.

Let’s hear more about you… Anyone that reads this should do this as well. It’s kind of fun!!!


Amy Moriah said...

I love your blog! Oh by the way I played with Barbie's that long too!! Maybe longer... My sister and I loved it on sunday afternoons. lol

Carly said...

You are SO cute! Don't let Cody read #1 or all I will hear is "why can't you be more like Jessica" LOL!

And what the heck is an MLM??? I looked at the site, and I still have no idea what it is :)

And sometimes, not secretly, I wish you would move back to AZ too!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so nice to just come over and hang out whenever I wanted to. I miss you guys!!!

Love ya!

lindsey hill said...

so I totally know about the whole tatoo thing. I have TWO and they are so ugly on my hip, I did get them removed but unfortuantly for me I picked the hardest colors to get out. But at least they are really faded. Just a warning when you do get it removed, pay the extra money to get the litacan shots to numb you up. I got them and the edges that weren't really numb killed, so I can't imagine how it would feel to not be numb.