... Here is a little of everything. I can't believe it has been another month. Paisyn is now 8 months. She is growing up so fast. Here are a few of her new things this month.
- Pulls herself up to anything that she can
- Walks around all the furniture
- Her little personality just keeps growing more and more
- She started to get silly (pulls funny faces, will look at me and just smile big and laugh, she thinks she's pretty funny)
- Loves to watch Signing Time
- Thinks she is so big (picks up a toy and stands up and then drops it so she can bend over and pick it up again) silly girl!!!
Here are some pictures from Halloween my best friend Ashlee made this cute tu tu for Paisyn. I put the black dots on (I just tacked them on so I can take off and still have this darling tu tu for something else) Paisyn was a little ladybug.

AGH! I love the lady bug tu tu!!! SUPER cute!! And seriously Jess, I'm not even kidding, I think Paisyn and Elle are about the same with their milestones.. and Elle is 10 1/2 months! LOL! I'm so proud of her, she is so smart Jess! (Or maybe Elle is slower lol) :o) And her clothes are so stinkin cute.. I love the sweats and then her little designer jeans and jacket.. oh my, I want them for my very own :o) And the one of her sleeping sitting up is HILARIOUS. I love her!
What a fun post! I love reading these, it makes me feel like I'm not missing out on all of this. That picture of P sleeping sitting up is SO cute! You have a gorgeous daughter!
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