Oh wow... I'm a little behind on the blog world. I have been very busy the last couple of weeks. Here is what we have been up to...
First off... I have been taken care of this sweet little girl. Oh how I love her and I'm so grateful that I get to stay home with her. (Thanks babe!!)
PS- Notice her new bling?? She got her ears done this last Saturday... (I know I'm a rude mommy, but I believe it is better to do it at a young age because she can't play with them and doesn't even know it’s there. Also very easy to clean them at this age)
*Don't forget to watch the video at the end... I think my baby will be crawling soon :(
I have been working on Miss Paisyn's room. (I know most mom's have this done before their babies get here, but we were living with my in-laws and I didn't get to do her room before) We moved out about 2 months ago into a new apartment while we wait to buy a house. (with Kenny transferring jobs this year and the new lending rules we can’t get a loan. He has to be with the company for a year) I had a hard time figuring out what to do in her room. I didn't want to have it to babyish because I don’t want to change everything in a year when she is a toddler. So I did more of a big girl princess look.
Here is the table Ash and I made... Very easy and cheap, so she can color on it (kidding) :)
Her princess bed...
The sign says "it's not easy being a princess... but if the crown fits..." (so true) :)
After.... (still could use some work, I just need more room for crap... the joys)
I put all of her flowers on a piece of ribbon and hung it from her door. (I thought I was pretty smart until I saw one at the store... Dang thought I was amazing.)

We have started solids... Yay for big girls!!!

We also had Kenny's brother come into town with his four kids... It’s the first time Paisyn has met the kids. We can't wait to go visit them. Also C, C & L and all of our friends in AZ for Thanksgiving.
(PS... that is a warning to all of our friends in AZ you better stay home for Thanksgiving) :)
Charlee and Miss Paisyn...
ok, first of all I have to comment on that video... HOWLY COW JESS!! I cannot believe she is scooting at 5 months!!!! Elle is almost 8 months and cant even do that! I am a tad jealous... :o)
Ok, the earrings are just too adorable!!!! And SO true about cleaning them and stuff... I want to do that! ...now if I could just get Daniel on board :o)
Her room is to die for Jess!! Your taste is impeccable! Can you come help me please??? I just "finished" Elle's room in our little apt, but she has NO furniture, so its pretty ghetto.. now I feel a little dumb posting pics of it now that I've seen Paisyn's.. so thanks for that ;o)
And finally, I TOTALLY agree that we should double!! This Christmas will you be in town??? I will definitely plan on it!
Cute post! Loved it!! Needed my Jess fix :o)
What a cute little scoot! Lincoln never army crawled like that. It is weird when they can start moving and such! Now you can't leave her in one spot while you shower and she will be in the same spot when you get back :)
I LOVE the earrings! I didn't even know you had done that. We obviously need to talk more often!
I am in LOVE with her room! What a cute cute cute nursery. I love the pink and zebra!
Talk to you soon! And I am SO excited for you guys to come for Thanksgiving. We won't be going ANYWHERE :)
holy smokes, Grace just rolled over for the first time today, I can't believe she can scoot like that! In a way its awesome but now you have to really child proof your house :)
She's adorable. The bath pictures are the best.
I am hoping I am one of the lucky people that get to see you in November! I want to see that cute chubby little girl you have for a daughter! She is growing up fast and she is stinkin adorable!
She is really growing:) The room looks great. I love the pictures at the park, that one of her in the swing smerkin is so cute. Miss you guys!
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