July 24, 2009


What's that?? Yeah it's official... I SUCK at diets!!! I tell my sweet little self that today is the day and I'm not going to eat that blasted sugar. I even got up at 5:30 to workout but guess what I just got done eating?? You got it... SUGAR!!What's my problem?? I really need help!!! I was like one little piece isn't going to kill me... Well now I just feel like oh well guess I will have to start tomorrow, go ahead eat another one. So tomorrow it is... Well maybe Monday now because it's the weekend. Who diets on weekend’s right???


Carly said...

You are so silly! Diets, schmiets... You look wonderful for just having had a baby 4 months ago! Give yourself sometime girlie!

Laci said...

I hear ya sister! I am the EXACT same way! So then I just gave up.. I figure, moderation in all things right? So just a dab a day is fine... maybe i'm the wrong person to be giving advice on this.. lol :o)

And I agree with the post above.. you are TINY Jess! It makes me sick that you are thinking that when you are half my size and I'm not thinking that and I SHOULD BE! LOL :o)

Crystal said...

Not that I support your dieting so soon after giving birth...BUT if you feel the need, then try this: no (or low) carbs and sugar for breakfast and lunch then anything you want for dinner (with no snacking afterwards). So you can eat eggs, lunch meat, cheese, omlettes, etc. for breakfast and lunch then ANYthing for dinner. I have been doing this and I lost 10 pounds in the first 2-3 weeks...which is a healthy rate. And, for the record, I don't support stepping on scale 10 times a day, just go by how you feel and how your clothes fit! Email me if you want more options/details :)

Joni and Rico Adams said...

Good Luck girly! It's tough, but I think it gets easier when you see results. That's how I am. If I can hold out for at least 3 weeks and do really good then I start to see results and can stick with it easier and it just becomes second nature you've been without it so long. You can do it! BUT you do look fantastic I might add.

Jessica and Kenny said...

Hey all thanks for the comments and great ideas... I needed them. I just need to eat healthy. I'm so bad... I could live off sugar. It is true!!! I am addicted...

Linds said...

At least we all know exactly how you feel, but if I looked like you after just having a baby I wouldn't be to overly concerned, oh wait, I had a baby the same time as you and I still have twenty pounds to go, you look great!!!