... yes we are still here. I log on and see all of your cute families.
I just don't want to think of what to say with each picture :) We just have so much going on.
I really should be cleaning my house or doing something productive, but...
I figure this is pretty productive right?? ;)
Anyways... can you guys believe Paisyn is 14 months??? Yes it's true!!
Well I wanted to give you guys a little update on her.
- She has a smile that melts all of our hearts. She is just always so happy
- Very very independent
- Runs everywhere
- A little on the crazy side (even more crazy if she misses a nap)
- Loves her babies/teddy bears
- Pushes her stroller with her babies, books, blocks and anything she can find around the house
- Loves her books and ours also :) That is another video that needs to be posted of her (yes I still haven't figured it out, please don't judge me)
- Isn't talking real words all that much, but does say...
whos thad (in a whisper)
whass thad
and of course dada and sometimes mama :( (she likes to call me dada)
Also today said yummmm yummmm for yummy yummy
- Will jabber non-stop... full on look at us and say things that we have no idea. Lets just say I'm a little scared of when she puts all those words together. She will never shut up :)
- Loves to play with other kids (older or younger)
- Can't wait for her dada to come home each day
- Plays with her toys in her room (I will be making lunch and have to go check on her)
- Likes to color (more like eat the crayons)
- Gets into everything that she shouldn't and then smiles at me as she is doing it (yes I know we are in trouble)
Anyways... that is all I can think of right now. So enjoy some pictures :)
-so if you don't agree just act like it :) No but really I love this picture,
this is how she looks at everyone in the store and then she will act shy,
which trust me she isn't at all
HA! Did I guilt ya into it? LOL! Either way.. I'm so happy to see you back in the blogging world! hehe :o) Oh my.. Paisyn is just as cute as EVER!! What a sweetie!!!! I soooooo wish we lived close so our girls could play!!! :( I love the pictures of you and her though before you went out.. SO SWEET! I love her "cheese" pics.. too cute!!
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