...I'm pretty sure I have a blog :) We have been so busy, so here is just a little of what we have been doing.
Thanks to Zagg (Kenny's work) who gave us tickets to the Jazz game and not just any tickets... 2nd row tickets. It was awesome!! Pretty sure we were on TV... We got a text from Kenny's cousin saying he looked bigger on TV... lol!! They do say TV adds 10 pounds right :)

This is really why we have been so busy... Picking up after Paisyn. This was so cute!! I walked in to put Paisyn down for bed and this is what I find. She had pulled all of her clothes out of her dirt hamper. Little stinker!!! (I have a video but still can't get them on my computer and Kenny has been to busy to help)

And then just today Paisyn decided that our fake tree doesn't need all the fake moss stuff in it, so she took it out. It looks much better this way mom...

We also have had a little time to sit down and watch Nick Jr. What would I do without it??? Paisyn loves it and it's the only thing that will allow me to pick up her messes and not have her make more.

We always have to have time to play and take pictures of this cute little one...
Say cheese!!!

Oh not happy...

Look how much her hair is growing in... I love it and I never want to cut it. Also look how blonde it has gone from when she was born.

Walking, walking, walking... that's all we do now.

Silly girl... Walking with her eyes closed.

I want that camera mommy...
Oh dear... we are done :)
Well that's just a little of what we have been doing. Next up I'm sure her birthday... Can you believe she will be 1 in a few weeks? It's killing me...
Wow! You guys had killer tickets to the Jazz game! Paisyn is so cute!
Great seats at the game! Paisyn is a doll, she is a walking machine!!
Cute baby girl!!!! She always has THEE cutest outfits ever Jess!! I love it. And WAY FUN for the Jazz game! Jealous!!
How fun! We miss you guys - can't wait for the summer when you come down! The little ones will have so much fun at the beach!
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