Yep it's true... Kenny and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on the 19th. Kenny is amazing and planned a night for just us up in Park City. He took care of all the details. What a sweetheart.... He got this amazing room (he finally made up for making me stay at the Oasis on a trip home from AZ) :) Here are some pictures of our awesome room...
As you can tell this is the kitchen :)
Living room
Living room fireplace

Our bedrooms fireplace

Our bathroom... (it had 2 bathrooms, we could so live there would just need an extra room for P)

The only picture I got of us :( I suck at taken pictures now. I just wanted to relax. Well and Kenny hates pictures (what guy doesn't???)

Of course I had to put a picture of P on since she is so dang cute… :) She fell asleep during dinner the other night. It was funny but sad. We had been running around all day and she didn’t get her 2nd nap. I felt so bad!!!

I can't believe it has already been 3 years... It has gone by so fast. I am so grateful for my amazing husband... I look forward to this next year and all it holds. Thanks babe for putting up with me for 3 years :) Love you with all my heart!!!
Happy Anniversary you two! You are the most darling couple ever! What a cute picture of Miss P. Can't wait to see her next month!!!
Ooo very fancy room. I love it! I cant believe that wedding was 3 years ago.
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