September 1, 2009

6 Months... Where is my baby???

What the crap... I feel like it was just yesterday we were finding out I was prego and now we have a 6 month old. First off that is crazy to say we have a 6 month old. She is half way to a year :( I love to watch Paisyn grow and learn new things, but I want my baby back. You can't blink or you will miss out.

Here is a little of what our little princess is doing:

  • Kisses... oh how I love these
  • Still doing army crawl. She is getting super fast. She follows me around the house, so cute!!
  • Gets on knees and then goes up into push-up position (daddy already has her working out) :)
  • Has two teeth (not that fun I'm a little jealous of Laci) :)
  • Tells many of stories
  • Loves peas... nasty!! Have you guys tasted them??? YIKES!!!
  • For some reason she likes to be scared... she laughs and thinks it's funny.
Here are some pictures of Paisyn sleeping. So cute the last couple of days I have walked into her room and find this. (Of course I didn't leave her, but I thought it was cute!!)

Then this one... I had to laugh!! So hard being a princess :)


Carly said...

Oh man. What a cutie. I am sad I am missing out on this fun time with her. I can't believe she has two teeth! Love the headband too!

Laci said...

Hurray for 6 months! She is getting so big Jess!! I love both of those pics.. so cute! And 2 teeth and scooting??? What a babe. I love it. Elle just starting scooting last week :P haha! She will get there slowly but surely :o) And yeah, I've come to terms with the no teeth thing LOL! I know they're in there somewhere and I should just enjoy it will I can :o) You are too sweet. That's so fun that she is giving kisses! Isnt that the best?? Thats probably my favorite thing that Elle does :o) Oh and about the peas.. I was opening the sealed part with my teeth one day and it spurted out in my MOUTH! GAG!

And and one last thing.. I loved your comment on my last post.. I wont say anything on here, just that I think you are hilarious and I TOTALLY agree with you ;) Love ya!!

Darwin + Kiara said...

Wow! 6 months?? Time sure flies, doesn't it? She is totally adorable tho, Jess!