July 1, 2009


Well we have moved... and freaking Qwest has some pretty dumb people working for them. We have been without internet for almost a month. So here is an update

First off... I need to give a shout out to my amazing husband. This was his first Father's Day!! I fall in love with him all over again when I see him with Paisyn. He is the best father and husband. I'm so blessed to share this precious little girl with him. Thanks babe for all you do for Paisyn and I. You are simply amazing!!! Love you always... XOXOXO

Paisyn is so big. We have her 4 month check up tomorrow. I can't wait to see what the doctor has to say about her. I love to watch her grow and learn new things.

Here is her newest trick... Go Paisyn!!! So big...

Well goodbye until tomorrow :) I will post about her doctor's visit and I have another darling video, but this blasted thing takes forever to upload and I need to get to bed.


Carly said...

Awwww...She is so stinking cute! I can't believe how big she is getting. I love that picture of her next to the Yankees hat. Can't wait to see you guys in a week!

Casey and Winter Rowland said...

she is so adorable good job Jessica!