May 12, 2009

Mom's Day!!!

I know this is late, but late is better then never :) I wanted to give a shout out to my awesome mom in my life. My mom is simply amazing in my eyes and I don't know where I would be without her. I always thought I knew how much she did for my brother and me, but becoming a mom myself has opened my eyes even bigger to all she has provided us with. I can't imagine raising two children on my own and only with one income. My mom has never complained once about what she was handed in life. I wish I was like this :) I never heard her complain. She made the best of everything and was always there for us kids. We always came first. She is the most selfless person I know. I hope I'm half the mom that she is and that Paisyn will have as close of a bond with me as I have with her. Love you mom and sorry this is late... XOXOXO

my mom thought it would be funny to put chocolate on our teeth. She is so fun and goofy to be around. I'm so glad we are back in Utah and close to her again.