February 9, 2009

Getting Close!!!

Well we are getting close to having our little stinker bug. We had a doctor's appointment today and I'm all the way thinned out and dilated to a 2. Doctor thinks I won't last much longer, but told us it was like waiting for the second coming. We also had a stress test to make sure Paisyn was moving and was not stressed out. It went great!!! She moved a lot and heartbeat was great. She also had the hiccups while we were doing the test. It was funny to hear them on the monitor. I will start seeing the doctor every week until I have her now. It is crazy to think she can come at anytime.

So... I thought it would be fun to have everyone guess when she would be here (this idea came from Carly). So let us know what you think.


Shay and Nick said...

Ahhh Jess, it was good to see you On Saturday, I hope we can get together before the baby comes, I don't know how much longer we'll be at the Davis' they may be coming home sooner rather then later. But I can't wait to see your baby, I have another gift for you so when she does come and you guys get home I'll bring it over!! I'm so excited for you two, you'll be the best parents!! Good Luck this week and next!!

Laci said...

oh my goodness!!!!!!! jess, i cant even begin to tell you how excited i am for you! your life is about to change forever and you will NEVER ever want to go back :o) As hard as it is, keep us posted!!!! (it just gets so busy in the hospital... i remember always wanting people to post about their newborns, but that was one of the last things on my mind!) :o)

and my guess is ......hmm ....next week sometime... maybe like monday or tuesday...? that is if you even last that long!!! good luck sweetie!! i'll be thinking about you and praying for you!!

Carly said...

Yay! I am so excited!

My guess is:
When: February 19th @ 0643 am
Weight: 6 lbs 4 oz
Length: 20 1/4 inches

:) I can't wait to see the little woman! She is going to be so gorgeous!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't believe its already time for her to come! How Exciting! I guess, Feb 17th...6lbs 9oz..20in long... 1238 am

Darwin + Kiara said...

So exciting, Jess! Good thing she didn't come any earlier!

My guess is next Wednesday sometime. Keep us posted, and good luck! I hope all goes well! Smooches!

Jake and Ashlee said...

I am going to say that she is coming on the 24th in the afternoon sometime. That or she will come 3 days late. She has us all thinking that she is going to come early so that she can make a grand entrance!
I'm so happy for you!

Courtney Allphin said...

That is so exciting it's that close! It's true, the couple of weeks right before are the worse! It completely drags, I definitely don't envy you there, but I do envy you when you have her. It is the BEST holding your little baby for the first time! Okay, so my guess is Feb. 21. Good luck and congrats!