December 10, 2008

6 Months...

This is what is going on since my last blog. Paisyn is still in my belly... YAY!! I have a Dr. appointment next Monday and can't wait to see what he says. Last time I was in he told me to take it easy. I wasn't on bed rest anymore, but this is a hard time of the year to take it easy... What is that?? I know I need to because we don't need Paisyn coming early. So I’m just getting fat, not going to the gym is a hard thing. It makes me feel better to be able to workout, but I have put this on hold.

Anyways I thought it was time for a belly pictures as requested. So here you go…


Crystal said...

What?! That's it?! Where's the rest of your belly? Tiny girl...sheesh

Laci said...

i cannot believe you are six months!!! you look amazing jess!!! i was just wonderin the other day if you were still on bedrest and how hard that must be... so im glad you can at least get up and walk around! Anyway... you look great girl!!

Anonymous said...

wow I can't believe you are 6 months already! its going fast, not for you im sure but for me it has! haha, can't wait to see her, but i will gladly wait a few more months, take it easy, make kenny go shopping! haha it is a hard time though! hope all is well!

Darwin + Kiara said...

You look great, Jess! I'm glad you're not on bed rest anymore...probably not as glad as you though! :)

Chad Martell & Teresa said...

uhhhh at 6 months and you hardly show, i never liked pregnant girls like you ...hahah j/k sort of.
looks like i'll need to read the older posts to see what happend. i hope youre okay and i miss seein your bright smile. tell your hubby hi for me!

Brooke said...

so tiny it does look a bit distorted dont tell me your ever smaller haha hope all is well lady :)